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Local Registration

Local registration of filters is done with the @filters decorator.

from vue import VueComponent, filters

class ComponentWithFilter(VueComponent):
    message = "Message"

    def lower_case(value):
        return value.lower()

    template = "<div id='content'></div>"

To avoid errors on source code checking errors in modern IDEs, an additional @staticmethod decorator can be added

from vue import VueComponent, filters

class ComponentWithFilter(VueComponent):
    def lower_case(value):
        return value.lower()

Global Registration

Global registration of filters works similar to Vue.js

from vue import Vue

Vue.filter("capitalize", str.capitalize)

Additionally in it is allowd to only pass a function to Vue.filter. In this case the filter gets registered under the function name.

from vue import Vue

def my_filter(val):
    return "filtered({})".format(val)
