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Custom Directives

Local Registration

For function directives is just a decorator necessary

from vue import VueComponent, directive

class CustomDirective(VueComponent):
    def custom_focus(el, binding, vnode, old_vnode, *args):

To define custom hook functions, add the directive name as argument to the decorator

from vue import VueComponent, directive

class CustomDirective(VueComponent):
    def component_updated(el, binding, vnode, old_vnode, *args):
        # implement 'componentUpdated' hook function here

    def inserted(el, binding, vnode, old_vnode, *args):
        # implement 'inserted' hook function here

To avoid code duplication when adding the same hook function to different hooks, the hooks can be specified as decorator arguments.

from vue import VueComponent, directive

class CustomDirective(VueComponent):
    @directive("focus", "component_updated", "inserted")
    def combined_hook(el, binding, vnode, old_vnode, *args):
        # implement function for 'componentUpdated' and 'inserted' hook here

The Vue.js hook componentUpdated is called component_updated to be more pythonic

The @staticmethod decorator is only necessary to avoid IDE checker errors.

Underscores in directive names get replaced by dashes, so custom_focus gets v-custom-focus.

Global Registration

Global directives can be created by sub-classing VueDirective.

from vue import Vue, VueDirective
class MyDirective(VueDirective):
    def bind(el, binding, vnode, old_vnode):

    def component_updated(el, binding, vnode, old_vnode):

Vue.directive("my-directive", MyDirective)

and for function directives just pass the function to Vue.directive

from vue import Vue
def my_directive(el, binding, vnode, old_vnode):

Vue.directive("my-directive", my_directive) offeres a shorthand, if you like to take the lower-cased name of the function/directive-class as directive name.

from vue import Vue
def my_directive(el, binding, vnode, old_vnode):

Vue.directive(my_directive) # directive name is 'my_directive'

Retrieve Global Directives

Getter for global directives works similar to Vue.js

from vue import Vue
directive = Vue.directive('directive-name')