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Python/Javascript Bridge

Call Javascript Functions provides some utilities to access Javascript libraris.

You can load Javascript libraries dynamically

from vue.utils import js_load
marked = js_load("")
html = marked("# Title")

This perfoms an synchrous ajax call and therefore is not recommended for responsive applications. Furthermore prevent some browser (e.g. Chrome) load from external ressources with ajax.

Therefore a second method is provided to acces a already loaded Javascript library.

<script src=""></script>
from vue.utils import js_lib
marked = js_lib("marked")
html = marked("# Title")

This uses the optimized methods a Browser uses to load all dependencies. And provides also access to all object in the Javascript namespace.

Vue Reactivity

To keep the reactivity of Vue.js and at the same time providing a Pythonic interface, all attribuets of components are wrapped in custom types. These types provide the same interfaes than native python types, but use the javascript types in the background.

Just making dicts out of Javascript object, method calls, would look rather unusual.


To avoid this, wrapped dicts can also access items as attributes, this leads to more readable code


By wrapping the javascript types, it is also possible to improve the original Vue.js behavior. In Vue.js this is forbidden.

var vm = new Vue({
  data: {
    reactive: {yes: 0}
// `vm.reactive.yes` is now reactive = 2
// `` is NOT reactive

Your have to use Vue.set(). takes care of this under the hood.

class App(VueComponent):
    reactive = {"yes": 0}

app = App("#element")
# `vm.reactive.yes` is now reactive

app.reactive["also"] = 2  # `vm.reactive.also` is now also reactive


Usable Types

For now only supports basics types (int, float, str, bool, list, dict), since these can be converted fairly simple to their Javascript equivalentive. Writing own classes and using them for Component properties may not work.

This may change in the future, but for now it is not planned to work on this issue.

Due To Wrapping Types

Due to restrictions of Brython in combination with the reactivity system in Vue.js are custom wrapper around component data and props neccessary. This is done mostly in the background, there are some limitations to consider.

When Native Python Types Are Assumed

The wrapper around lists and dictionaries provide the same interface than native python types but due to restrictions in Brython, they are no subclasses of list/dict. This can lead to problems when passing this methods to other native python methods. Therefore a helper is provided to convert a wrapped Javascript object into a native python type.

import json
from vue import VueComponent, computed
from vue.bridge import Object

class MyComponent(VueComponent):
    template = "<div></div>"
    content = [{"a": 1}]

    def content_as_json(self):
        # Will break because self.content is not a native python type
        # json.dumps does not know how to serialize this types
        return json.dumps(sef.content)

        # provides a method to convert the wrapper types
        return json.dumps(Object.to_py(self.content))

When converting to native python types reactivity may get lost!

When Native Javascript Types Are Assumed

A similar problem exists when passing wrapper variables to native javascript methods. Brython can convert native Python types like lists and dicts to their javascript equivalent. Since the wrapper types are not real lists/dicts Brython cannot convert them.

from vue import VueComponent, computed
from vue.bridge import Object
from vue.utils import js_lib

js_json = js_lib("JSON")

class MyComponent(VueComponent):
    template = "<div></div>"
    content = [{"a": 1}]

    def content_as_json(self):
        # Will break because self.content is not a native javascript type
        # JSON.stringify does not know how to serialize this types
        return js_json.stringify(self.content)

        # provides a method to convert the wrapper types
        return js_json.stringify(Object.to_js(self.content))

Are These Limitations Forever?

I hope not!

Currently the main reason for this limitations is Brython Issue 893. When this one gets fixed, the wrapper classes can be subclasses of native python types and Brython should be able to do the right conversions under the hood.